Structure Based Docking in the Classroom

    If you are a professor interested in teaching virtual screening or a student wanting to learn how to dock on your own, it can be done!  See below for a full tutorial using the visualization software ChimeraX and the Vina docking program.  By using these programs, you do not need to purchase any software and you can use either a Mac or PC.  Note that the instructor will have provide a PDBQT file for the protein target, or you'll have to create one yourself using instructions found here. I also provide the PDBQT files that I use for my course at the bottom of this page.  As an instructor, I use a docking assignment in an upper-division medicinal chemistry course where each student is assigned a crystal structure with a bound drug, then tasked with docking their own rationally-designed derivatives of the drug in order to discover a more potent candidate.

Using ChimeraX

    ChimeraX is a freely available molecular graphics program that we highly recommend.  A full tutorial, including download instructions, can be found here.  You can also find a collection of useful ChimeraX commands here.

Vina Docking Tutorial with Webina

    A full tutorial using the 1stp crystal structure of streptavidin and the web browser Webina can be found here.  This is recommended for beginners and/or those without a background in line commands or Unix environments, since the Vina program is run through the help of a web browser interface.  Ligands must be run one at a time, so it's best for testing small numbers of compounds.  You'll also need to download the following files:
      Create a folder on your Desktop called DockingJob (this is also described in the tutorial).  Within this folder, place the following items:

Docking Tutorial with Line Commands

    This is a more advanced tutorial and requires the user to execute Vina locally by line command.  A script is provided that can run large numbers of ligands.  A full tutorial using the 1stp crystal structure of streptavidin can be found here.  You'll also need to download the following items, depending on your operating system:
Files for Windows Users
Create a folder on your Desktop called DockingJob (this is also described in the tutorial).  Within this folder, place the following items:

Files for Mac Users
Create a folder on your Desktop called DockingJob (this is also described in the tutorial).  Within this folder, place the following items:

Instructor Resources

    If you are an instructor and want to incorporate this exercise into your class, feel free to use my materials free of charge.  When I teach docking the in the classroom, I first have students complete an assignment where they learn to work with ChimeraX (you can see an example here).  After grading and returning the ChimeraX assignment, I then give the students a docking assignment where I ask them to design novel derivatives of known drugs (example using Webina here, and a more advanced example assignment with line commands here).  I will give an individual student the same crystal structure for both the ChimeraX and the docking assignments.  I also provide students with a drug design example here demonstrating how to go about making derivatives from a known compound based on a SAR model.

    There are a number of possible structures you can assign, but I stick to protein structures bound to drugs since my course is a medicinal chemistry elective.  Below you can find the PDBQT files that I have prepared if you want to just use my structures (note that I don't often assign the metalloprotein structures 1rj6 and 2x8z, as Vina gives very low scores for these compounds).
